Friday, May 13, 2016

In response to Dan and I

2. You cant tell a child anything, you must teach them. Children will copy the people they look up to, find out who that is and find a way to make them seem like the person you want your kid to be around, and that includes you. Physical punishment will teach the child to confront conflicts in physical ways. Don't do it!

7. It is possible but it is dangerous. you have to be careful. i try to confront the world by thinking before i feel, so that I can play it safe. If you think you love someone go ahead, its your risk.

9. Someone to me has to be confidant and creative. I have never cared about what people look like, until the point it effects the order of my natural life.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Why I Write

I write to provide the art of wisdom.
I write because speaking doesn't give me
the full limitless potential of words,
of language and literature.
I write so that I may be understood
as if to be accepted

These pages are my stage, and these words my performance.
These pages are my orchestra, and these words my symphony.
These pages are my life, and these pages my purpose.
For this is what it means to be an artist.
To have a place among the crowed unlike any other.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Collour post

Wild Ride.

The Run, that is what life is about is it not. The trees pass as a barrage of  landmarks, chapters in this hunt. The chase eats away at vitality, though stamina increases gradually over the years with repetitive practice. Wolves are not evil, wolves do what they must, to live, to provide for the young, to contribute to the pack. Eyes have grown accustomed to the midnight haze through the forest, further up the mountain the moon becomes more friendly than ever. Elk will not escape tooth and nail this time, the pack is larger and faster than before. Excitement, Adrenalin vigorously pulses within as the target grows closer, almost within reach. padded feet pummel the ground, form behind, unseen but not unheard, wolves want to be The One who catches it, they are not as quick. Death will be delivered not by them, but by you. This kill belongs to you! Just one more jump, this snap of the jaws of the beast will be critical for sure!.
Sanguine spills, the taste of metal as fur gags. Some family stops to praise, others sprint on, still shadows on the prowl. Success to the successor. Alpha will be proud of prince. Greater proportions to the killer.

Griffin S. C.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Item of Value

Item of Value

Some people notice it, if they're observation. Around my neck hangs a capsule tightly, sealed hung on a string of metal beads.Contained within, some of the ashes of my uncle, Levi Cordell. Although I didn't know him that well, he is /or was the relative I could most relate to. I never had the opportunity to connect with him that well. when I was a child, Levi had a dug problem, so my family didn't want me hanging around him.

This is similar to mine.
I apologize, I had forgotten to explain why we were so much alike. When Levi was a child, he would run into a forest, with no food or tent, and often no clothes, because he needed to get away from the life that he did not believe in living. He did not believe in the ways of modern man kind.

I am the same. I do not agree with what this world has come to. I wish to return to a native or tribal state of living. I would even wish myself an animal, if it meant that i don't have to live like this. I myself have retreated to the wild to be with beings who are kin to me.

But he is dead now, by a drug overdose. Prescribed drugs i might add, he had gotten rid of the drug problem on his one a couple of years ago. So I wear his ashes, the only human i have ever met to share the same values as me. I wear his ashes to always be with someone who understands, to always keep a piece of what i call home.

Griffin Cordell